Friday, September 29, 2006

Homework for the Weekend/Vacation

Math O'Brien: Test on basically everything we have done so far on Tuesday, the day we get back. The wea is due Wednesday. Our advisory is to have command over the review sheet. The WEA is due Wednesday.
- Tam:
- Schwartz: Finish the worksheet handed out during class using the calculator to determine the equations and answers for each problem.

Chemistry Glazebrook: Get a folder.
- Rocklein: Complete the textbook readings assigned two weeks ago. Also, have the lab completed as well as the worksheet (handed out on Thursday) by Tuesday.
- Brendel:

Spanish C Prochillo: Complete the back side of the homework sheet of which we had only done the short side. For your reference, visit pages 450 and the chapter 3 text. The left side of the sheet is in the present tense, and right side is from the board.

German Aweh: Nothing!

AP World History Riggio: None
- Rosequist: Homework #3 is due, I think, 10/4, which I think is Wednesday.

English Inners: See calendar. On Tuesday, we will resume the acting.
- Eaton: Expect a test on Fahrenheit 451 later this week. Continue reading your independent reading book this weekend. During first period, Eaton hinted that there may be an upcoming journal entry on the content of your book.
- Oatis:
- Etheridge: Read the first 2 chapters of Lord of the Flies.

AP Psychology Wilson: None

InSTAR Brendel: For ACE people, revised versions of the 2005 Dupont winning essay outline are due Tuesday, the day we get back. BDF, the Dupont outline is due on Wednesday.

*Science Olympiad meeting on Wednesday following 10th period.

Post edited by Robert Sampson
Edited by Kristine Beckmann, 12:55 PM, Saturday

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Homework for Wednesday

Hey everyone! We are now "Googleable"..! Google's bots have finally decided to crawl our website, so now you can google us and see our website cache! ENJOY

Math O'Brien: There is a test on Tuesday. Extra help is offered on Friday after school...also, if you have period 8 free, Mrs. O'brien is free for extra help. For HW tonight, complete questions 1-17 (odd) on the sheet we got today in class..and started working on it together.
- Tam:
- Canestro: Do the worksheet, numbers 1, 2, and 4...exclude 1 (a) and 3 (a)
- Schwartz: Finish worksheet handed out during class.

Chemistry Glazebrook: Begin to read chapter 2, for tomorrow, read sections 2.1-2.3. On page 90, answer questions 1-3, 5, 6, 16, 18 (due tomorrow). The following are due by Friday:[Test corrections; C2H2 lab]. On Friday, we are having a quiz, which is on element compounds. The pink and purple element sheet, should be done already, so if its not...finish it tonight. Also, next week, we will have a quiz on the periodic table of elements. This is an optional quiz.
- Rocklein: Do the worksheet entitled "Physical Behavior of Matter Worksheet Activity"
- Brendel

Spanish C Prochillo: Quiz on Friday. Those people who had mistakes on that HW sheet, correct them, and then translate the whole sentence. If you got more than 2 wrong...then apparently, you didn't do the assignment (or you didn't spend long enough on it, so you must translate each sentence). For HW, study the front and back verbs (in that packet) using Prochillio's paper folding method.

German Aweh: Workbook page 101-102, (u 7-11)

AP World History Riggio: The essay is due tomorrow. For the class that the sub said the essay is due on Friday, it is actually due tomorrow...he mis read...
- Rosequist: Test on chapters 21 and 22 is now FRIDAY; it was moved from Tue to Wed, from Wed to Thu, and now from Thu to Fri. Test will also include Southernization and a few questions on comparing the art, possibly not found in the text.

English Inners: Refer to the *NEW* English calendar.
- Eaton: Read Fahrenheit 451 up to page 130, "tonight"
- Oatis Read upto page 91 in Of Mice and Men and answer the questions that pertian to those pages.
- Etheridge: If you did not hand in your project for 5 points extra yesterday (like myself), it must be turned in tomorrow.

AP Psychology Wilson: None

InSTAR Brendel: Re-write the Dupont analysis assignment. This is due the next time we have InSTAR (next week...its not due this week)...its either a Tuesday, or a Wednesday. For ACE InSTAR people, all we know is that our journals will be collected tomorrow.

Posts written by Leor Needleman
Post edited by Kristine Beckmann, 7:00 pm, 8:14 pm.
Post edited by Jason Karelis, 8:20 pm.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Homework for Tuesday

Math O'Brien: Test next Wed. not tomorrow...on the sheet we got last night, copmplete questions 36, 38, 42, 44, 46, 49.
- Tam:
- Schwartz: None

Chemistry Glazebrook: For tomorrow, just compelte the lab, with its questions. The rest, is due sometime around Thursday.
- Rocklein: Complete ditto on Q=mHf, Q=mHv, etc that was handed out in class today. Also, keep in mind that the textbook readings are due next Tuesday.
- Brendel: Test tommorow (if you hadnt took it today) and bring in all chapter 1 homework.

Spanish C Prochillo: Define the back of the sheet.

German Aweh: In the textbook, page 7-8, exercises 5, 6 & 7.

AP World History Riggio: None. Test on Friday.
- Rosequist:

English Inners: None
- Eaton: You DO NOT have to read Fahrenheit 451 tonight. Analyze the poem handed out in class and draw a conclusion. Be prepared to discuss it in class. Also, finish revising your Marquez/Aqueros Critical Lens essay to hand in tomorrow.
- Oatis
- Etheridge

AP Psychology Wilson: Look up Piaget in the text book.

InSTAR Brendel: None, bring your notebooks to class. Period 9 ACE, journals will be checked next time we meet (Thursday).

Edit by Jake Bryant
Post edited by Kristine Beckmann, 4:31 PM

Monday, September 25, 2006

Homework for Monday

Math O'Brien: WEA due tomorrow. Do questions 25, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 37.
- Tam:
- Schwartz: Study for test tomorrow

Chemistry Glazebrook: The chem questions are not due tomorrow (due Wed), but you might want to start working on them. Also, you might want to start reading chapter 2.
- Rocklein: Finish lab for tomorrow. Text book readings are due NEXT Tuesday.
- Brendel

Spanish C Prochillo: Make flash cards of your 8 lines. You might want to put your partners lines on one side, and your lines on the back. You need to memorize them.

German Aweh: If you haven't already, do text pages 3 +4, exercises 4 and 5 for class discussion tomorrow.

AP World History Riggio: Refer to the calendar. The reading is Japan, pg. 527-522.
- Rosequist:

English Inners: The Poem is due tomorrow.
- Eaton: Finish "The Sieve and the Sand" (book 2 in Fahrenheit 451)
- Oatis
- Etheridge

AP Psychology Wilson: None, we get everything back tomorrow.

InSTAR Brendel: Period 9 tomorrow, bring journals to class. We're working in the computer lab again.

Post edited by Kristine Beckmann, 3:34 PM.