Homework for the Weekend/Vacation
- Tam:
- Schwartz: Finish the worksheet handed out during class using the calculator to determine the equations and answers for each problem.
Chemistry Glazebrook: Get a folder.
- Rocklein: Complete the textbook readings assigned two weeks ago. Also, have the lab completed as well as the worksheet (handed out on Thursday) by Tuesday.
- Brendel:
Spanish C Prochillo: Complete the back side of the homework sheet of which we had only done the short side. For your reference, visit pages 450 and the chapter 3 text. The left side of the sheet is in the present tense, and right side is from the board.
German Aweh: Nothing!
AP World History Riggio: None
- Rosequist: Homework #3 is due, I think, 10/4, which I think is Wednesday.
English Inners: See calendar. On Tuesday, we will resume the acting.
- Eaton: Expect a test on Fahrenheit 451 later this week. Continue reading your independent reading book this weekend. During first period, Eaton hinted that there may be an upcoming journal entry on the content of your book.
- Oatis:
- Etheridge: Read the first 2 chapters of Lord of the Flies.
AP Psychology Wilson: None
InSTAR Brendel: For ACE people, revised versions of the 2005 Dupont winning essay outline are due Tuesday, the day we get back. BDF, the Dupont outline is due on Wednesday.
*Science Olympiad meeting on Wednesday following 10th period.
Post edited by Robert Sampson
Edited by Kristine Beckmann, 12:55 PM, Saturday