Math O'Brien: Quiz tomorrow...If you have any questions, leave a question in the comments bar..below the post, and we will answer it to the best of our abilities.
- Tam: Quiz tomorrow: full period. Use the questions assigned for homework on Friday and Monday to aid in your preparations. If you need additional problems, the answers to all of the ODD numbered questions are provided in your text.
-Dunbar-nothing...ha ha.
Chemistry Glazebrook: Finish first page of the sheet we got in class (most people finished). Quiz next tuesday.
- Rocklein: Finish lab that you began in class today. Also, keep in mind the Regents packet due the 15th and the QUIZ on the elements on the 14th.
- Brendel-do the questions that were read aloud in class in the packet. if you don't know what i'm talking about, call somebody. lab due tomorrow. quiz on friday.
Spanish C Prochilo: Finish writting all the forms in present tense (the verbs). Write each 3x. Quiz on Thursday
Jones-quiz tomorrow on changing present verbs and all the other random stuff on the packet.
German Aweh: If you didn't speak yet, assume that you'll go tomorrow. Also, do the workbook problems p.98 1-20 (odds or evens depending on which side of the room you sat on today).
AP World History Riggio: Read pgs. 473-482 (to the weird bullet). Also...see calender.
- Rosequist: read chapter 21 and answer homework questions due on monday. quiz on wendesday.
English Inners: Define the word that you were given today on the index card. If you are using, it is recomended that you use the meriam webster definition. Also, if you have the Oxford dictionary, that would be the best. The best definition is the one that sounds the meanest. Bring in a photo on Friday. Refer to the callander that we got for Tempest readings! (i personally think that we are done with the definitions, but maybe not, so just have the definition anyway)
- Eaton: Bring textbook to class tomorrow and be prepared to dicuss "AVOMwEW" by Marquez and the "Sonnet" by Agueros in class.
- Oatis
- Etheridge
AP Psychology Wilson: Quiz tomorrow on perspectives and meathods. The vocab sheet is due next tuesday.
InSTAR Brendel: Marble notebooks
Edited by Kristine Beckmann @ 5:55 pm.