Sunday, May 20, 2007


This website is no longer being used as the Ward Melville Companion. The new companion is - simply make an account and personalize your classes/schedule and you're all set!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Homework for Monday

Math O'Brien: Function Review Sheet due Tomorrow. Test on Functions on Wednesday. I Unofficially pronounce...the thirdly final is OVER!!
- Tam:
- Schwartz: In the red textbook, pg. 667 #4-40 (x4).

Chemistry Glazebrook: Test Tomorrow.
- Rocklein: Complete the lab and hand it in tomorrow if you have not already done so.
- Brendel

Spanish C Prochillo: Quiz on Command Form later this week. Your 2nd draft is due tomorrow.
- Jones:

German Aweh: Bring your textbooks to class tomorrow! Also, do cards for group 11.

AP World History Riggio: DBQ TOMORROW and on Wednesday. The Topic is on China and Japan. Riggio told us not to think about it, but incase you are interested, it is on the 19th century.
- Rosequist:

English Inners: The essay is due on Friday for Antigone.
- Eaton: Journal entry (What does Brutus' conversation with Portia reveal about Brutus' personality characteristics?) and finish reading Act II of Julius Caesar.
- Oatis
- Etheridge

AP Psychology Wilson: None

InSTAR Brendel: Nothing, just work on your essays.

Post edited by Kristine Beckmann

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Homework for the Weekend

Math O'Brien: None. We have a math quarterly (1/3 of final exam grade), on Monday. So study for that. If you want to get a head, do the functions review sheet. The test is on Wednesday, and the sheet is due on Tuesday.
- Tam:

Chemistry Glazebrook: Test on Tuesday. Finish the Lab.
- Rocklein:
- Brendel

Spanish C Prochillo: nothing
- Jones:

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: None, just catch up on your readings.
- Rosequist:

English Inners: Nothing other than the keep reading your books.
- Eaton
- Oatis
- Etheridge

AP Psychology Wilson: Quiz on Monday.

InSTAR Brendel: None..but you can start working on your DuPont essays.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Homework for the Weekend

This is senior weather advisor Robert Sampson. I have verified that satelight imagery, and I personally feel that we will have full school tomorrow. At this time (1:42 PM Sunday), the chance of full school is 90%.
If you do not already know, there is snow in the forecast. DO NOT GET YOUR HOPES UP. The probability of any snowday or delayed opening is MINISCULE. (Although a few years ago they cancelled school and there was literally NOTHING on the ground, but that was due to the forecast. And last year we got a "rain day" you probably remember, however that will probably not happen again.) If the probability of something happening increases, I will create another post to track the storm.

Math O'Brien: Have your logo functions completed so that you can print it out on Monday. Whole thing due Tuesday.
- Tam:

Chemistry Glazebrook: Lab, outline, 2 sheets about calorimetry due.
- Rocklein:
- Brendel

Spanish C Prochillo: Presentation stuff due.
- Jones:

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio:
- Rosequist: Big test, plus homework

English Inners:
- Eaton
- Oatis
- Etheridge - journals

AP Psychology Wilson:

InSTAR Brendel: 10 articles due Monday for ACE people (must be highlighted)

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Homework for Thursday

Math O'Brien: You must be able to print out your graphing project on Monday so that the whole project (written portions etc.) will be turned in on TUESDAY. Homework for tonight is to do the even problems on the ditto from yesterday's homework.
- Tam:

Chemistry Glazebrook: **All assignments must be handed in on time or else deductions will be made now. Homework for people who have the double on ACE days is to fill in the outline for sections 6.1 through 6.5, EXCEPT section 6.4 by TOMORROW. The lab is due Monday, and there will be a test on Friday (a week from tomorrow). *BDF people might have different homework/due daters.
- Rocklein:
- Brendel

Spanish C Prochillo: Write down 10 commands for your presentation by TOMORROW.
- Jones:

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio:
- Rosequist: Big test Monday, homework Monday.

English Inners:
- Eaton
- Oatis
- Etheridge

AP Psychology Wilson:

InSTAR Brendel: ACE people need 10 highlighted articles for Monday.

*Don't forget your bathing suits for gym!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Homework for Tuesday

Math O'Brien: None, we just had a test new unit tomorrow
- Tam:
- Schwartz: Complete worksheets handed out during class.

Chemistry Glazebrook: TEST TOMORROW!
- Rocklein: Complete worksheet handed out during class and complete the lab if you did not hand it in at the end of class.
- Brendel

Spanish C Prochillo: Fill out the ENTIRE packet of command verb. Refer to page 104 for help.
- Jones:

German Aweh: Quiz on Groups 1-7 tomorrow. STUDY YOUR FLASH CARDS.

AP World History Riggio: Refer to calendar. The quiz has been pushed back to Monday! Bring your Document Readers to class tomorrow (the books we used for the summer assignment).
- Rosequist:

English Inners: Early option on December 1st. Journals collected on friday.
- Eaton: Journal entry: Why is Act I, Scene i there? AND Vocab Unit 2 is due Thursday.
- Oatis
- Etheridge

AP Psychology Wilson: HW sheet is due tomorrow.

InSTAR Brendel: ACE: 10 articles due December 4. BDF: 10 articles due december 1 (that's this friday).

Post edited by Kristine Beckmann

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Homework for the Weekend

Math O'Brien: in the text book, complete page 135, questions 57-63 and do the odd to question 70. Then, on page 146, complete 55-57 (one to one only, don't do the inverse). The WEA is due on Tuesday.
- Tam:

Chemistry Glazebrook: Try to complete the quetions on the wrk sheet.
- Rocklein:
- Brendel

Spanish C Prochillo: Complete the DOUBLE sided sheet.
- Jones:

German Aweh:

AP World History Riggio: Debate and review tomorrow. Quiz on Tuesday.
- Rosequist:

English Inners: Read your independent books.
- Eaton
- Oatis
- Etheridge

AP Psychology Wilson:

InSTAR Brendel: Have 10 articles detailed.

Pit tomorrow AFTER school